Managing Temperatures While Racing
It was known well in advance that racing in Townsville, Australia would be a hot race. Being too hot is the enemy when it comes to performance. Ultimately, those who handled the heat best would have the greatest chance of success. For a couple years, I’ve been using a core sensor to measure my core temperature. To date I’ve not used the data for any specific training, however I find it interesting how my body responds as my core temperature changes. I’ve observed that when my core temperature exceeds 38.5, my rate of perceived effort (RPE) to perform also starts to dramatically increase. Above 39.3-39.5 and my desire to cool…
Nepean Sprint Triathlon Race Report 2024
It’s been a long time since I did a sprint, about a year. However, I wanted world championship qualification points towards the mixed team relay being held next year in Wollongong. The night before the race the weather was terrible, heavy rains and lots of flash flooding made travel quite dangerous. My family and I stayed at my in-laws place, which meant we avoided the worst of the weather, however, we all had terrible sleep or maybe should say not much sleep at all! I got up nice and early to get to the Regatta Centre with plenty of time only to find out the race start was delayed. It…
Social Media and Improving Performance
Ever finish training and jump on to social media to share your latest workout? Or maybe you just want to know what others are up to. Social media can be a great tool for motivation and learning to improve performance. However, as a tool, use it appropriately. Social Media Traps There is plenty of useful tips and tricks to improve yourself as an athlete, but it can be a little overwhelming. There is so much content out there though you can end up spending more time learning about what you should do compared to just getting out there and doing what you need to do! Another thing to remember about…